We can supply vast verites of Essential and Armatic oils

Origanium onitcs
Laurus nobilis leaf
Salvia Triloba
Eucalyptus Globulus
Juniperus excelsa
Mentha Arvensis
Rosmarinus Afficinalis
Pinus Sylvestris Leaf
Cedrus Atlantica Bark
Myrtus Communis Leaf
Boswelia Serrata
Rosa Damascena Flower

Origanium onitcs

Marjoram Pot – Origanum onites is a hardy perennial. It is very similar to the traditional Wild Marjoram. Green aromatic leaves form compact mounds.

A great herb for wildlife, the pink purple flowers in summer are particularly attractive to bees and other pollinators.

Plant in a well drained, sunny situation. It’s habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers.

A versatile culinary herb, use fresh leaves in a variety of dishes. You can also dry or freeze leaves for use over winter

Laurus nobilis leaf

Marjoram Pot – Origanum onites is a hardy perennial. It is very similar to the traditional Wild Marjoram. Green aromatic leaves form compact mounds.

A great herb for wildlife, the pink purple flowers in summer are particularly attractive to bees and other pollinators.

Plant in a well drained, sunny situation. It’s habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers.

A versatile culinary herb, use fresh leaves in a variety of dishes. You can also dry or freeze leaves for use over winter

Salvia Triloba

For a long time, sage (Salvia) species have been used in traditional medicine for the relief of pain, protecting the body against oxidative stress, free radical damages, angiogenesis, inflammation, bacterial and virus infection, etc.

Several investigations suggest that sage species can be considered for drug development because of their reported pharmacology and therapeutic activities in many countries of Asia and Middle East, especially China and India

Eucalyptus Globulus

Eucalyptus oil is available as an essential oil that is used as a medicine to treat a variety of common diseases and conditions including nasal congestion, asthma, and as a tick repellant.

Diluted eucalyptus oil may also be applied to the skin as a remedy for health problems such as arthritis and skin ulcers.


This lavender has “phenomenal” in its name and once you see it, you’ll know why. Huge, dense mounds of silvery green foliage are topped by long wands of electrifying purple blossoms in midsummer. Intensely fragrant and a haven for birds and bees, Lavandula Phenomenal™ is compact and densely branched.

Best of all, Lavandula Phenomenal™ stands up to tough winter weather better than most other cultivars we have grown. A sport of ‘Grosso,’ Lavandula Phenomenal™ won’t die back in winter like most other lavenders, giving it new landscaping possibilities in the South and West, and making it a true perennial in the far North and East, where other varieties may struggle.

Tolerant of heat and dry soil, this hardy beauty brings charm and sophistication to hedges, borders, and containers. Find a place for Lavandula Phenomenal™ in your garden and prepare to be amazed!

Juniperus excelsa

n aromatherapy, this oil is believed to provide a grounding and calming effect that can help balance emotions and support mental health. As a reputed natural antiseptic, Juniper Berry Oil is used in low dilutions for skin care purposes such as treating acne, dermatitis, and eczema

Mentha Arvensis

Mentha arvensis oil is used to treat in many stomach disorders, inflammation, and treatment of fever headache, cold and asthma. It is also good for treating toothaches and swelling of the gums. Mentha arvensis also helps to alleviate arthritis. It is beneficial to relieve insomnia and nervous tension.

Rosmarinus Afficinalis

When used topically, Rosemary Essential Oil deeply cleanses your complexion and stimulates healing to leave skin more refreshed than ever. Detoxify: Thanks to its ability to trigger circulation and lymphatic drainage, rosemary oil aids in expelling toxins from the skin.

  • May Improve Brain Function. …
  • Stimulates Hair Growth. …
  • May Help Relieve Pain. …
  • Repels Certain Bugs. …
  • May Eases Stress. …
  • May Increase Circulation. …
  • May Help Perk You Up. …
  • May Reduce Joint Inflammation.

Rosmarinus Afficinalis

Used topically, Pine Essential Oil is reputed to soothe itchiness, inflammation, and dryness, control excessive perspiration, prevent fungal infections, protect minor abrasions from developing infections, slow the appearance of signs of aging, and enhance circulation.

it  is also a potent respiratory antiseptic, active against bronchitis. A tonic and stimulant, it acts as a decongestant (lymphatic system and uterine-ovarian sphere) and as a cortisone-like (it has an effect similar to that of cortisone).

Cedrus Atlantica bark oil

Cedarwood Atlas can help arterial regeneration as well as strengthening nervous system. Also helps treat rheumatism and arthritis pain. Because of its calming properties, Rocky Mountain Oils’ Cedarwood Atlas is good to use during meditations. May also be a sedative.

Myrtus Communis Leaf oil

The essential oil of Myrtus communis is an antiseptic and astringent. Myrtle essential oil treats digestive, pulmonary or urinary infections as well as skin ulcers and haemorrhoids. It lightens heavy legs and prepares the body to exercise to prevent cramps and aches. It is effective against productive and dry coughs.

Boswelia Serrata oil

Boswellia, or Indian frankincense, is a resin herbal extract from the boswellia tree, which natural medicine practices have used for centuries. Its anti-inflammatory effects mean that it may help with inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma

People use Boswellia serrata for osteoarthritis. It is also used for many other purposes, including asthma, diabetes, and stroke, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these other uses. There is also no good evidence to support using Boswellia serrata for COVID-19.

Rosa Damascena Flower

damascena plant as a cough remedy to ease children’s cough (13). This plant is also used as a gentle laxative (16). Rose oil heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. It helps in the reduction of thirst, healing old caugh, special complaints of women, wound healing, and skin health.

R. damascena is traditionally used for treatment of abdominal and chest pains, strengthening the heart, menstrual bleeding, digestive problems and constipation.

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